building and shipping cool side projects.
nextjs, nestjs, supabase
apr 2023
Designs Beyond Limits: From Pixels to Fashion Customizable AI-Generated T-Shirts Delivered to Your Doorstep! Turn your words into wearable art as our cutting-edge technology brings your imagination to life. Express your unique style with AI-generated patterns that are as vibrant and bold as your personality. Experience the future of fashion with our one-of-a-kind, AI-crafted t-shirts delivered right to your doorstep. Embrace creativity, embrace innovation - it's time to wear your story!
hackathon projects
jul 2021
Quartile, in itself, is an embedded solution to those new emerging artists who are finding their way into web3 space and calibrating a revenue stream out of the NFT marketplaces on NEAR and EVM-compatible chains. It can be interpreted as a virtual assistant to facilitate you while buying and minting NFTs from various NFT Marketplaces and save your time from cutting the process down to just two clicks. It will ease up the process of buying and selling NFTs off the platform, making it more reliable, user-friendly and increasingly accessible.
mar 2021
Triquetra, at its core, is a multi-purpose Twitter bot that tends to constantly push forward the buyer engagement of the NFT marketplace by developing a decentralized ecosystem in a form of a virtual art gallery. Imagine, you are at a break/or on a weekend spending your leisure time on social media, especially Twitter, after spending days on making your first NFT art and looking for some trends and good times, and suddenly you recall, you don't have a fan following to look upon and sell your NFTs at great prices! well, Triquetra to the rescue.
feb 2021
Cleopatra, at its core, is a multi-purpose Twitter bot that can constantly push forward the user engagement of a decentralized ecosystem. Imagine, you are at a break/or on a weekend spending your leisure time on social media, especially Twitter, looking for some trends and good times, and suddenly you recall, you forgot to check the CoinMarketCap of your crypto and don't want to grab or your laptop or go to the website! Cleopatra to the rescue. All you have to do is mention the bot and ask for the price feed change, it will grab the tweet spontaneously and use a DApp to fetch the latest price feed, in this case, ChainLink API.
school projects
blockchain mining software
may 2020
Interacting with Blockchain on Java-based Intractive, User-Friendly UI Dashboard to collaborate and get the instant updates about the current state of your Crypto-Wallet and current trends of Blockchain with Public-Key for accessing any feature of MainFrame and Private-Key for validating, authenticating and confirming processes accessed.
python, html, css
feb 2020
Mystic is an open-source project designed to help developers instantly get the most optimized code for their respective intended input and output with additionally providing them with 4 different coding language export namely C, C++, Python and Java