helping founders shape vision into reality.
about me.
Currently, I am a full-stack developer During my undergraduate, I have been a part of @KERNEL0x KB3 • @Devfolio EIF2.0 | @Google DSC Lead • @Github CE • @Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador - Beta as well as @Udacity Facebook PyTorch Scholar.
[ 2+ years of experience building products ]
Matrix23, inc.
mar 2022 - present
full-stack engineer
mar 2022 - may 2022
full-stack engineer
ITH Tech.
jan 2022 - may 2022
full-stack blockchain engineer
may 2021 - jun 2021
full-stack blockchain engineer
apr 2020 - jun 2020
ui/ux developer
[ undergraduate research in blockchain + ai ]
research paper
nov 2019
Anisotropic Compact Star Model Satisfying Karmarkar Conditions
research paper
nov 2020
Advanced Autonomous UAV-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
undergraduate thesis
nov 2020
Modelling Graph Neural Networks for Quantum Computers
research project
nov 2020
Dynamic Climate Prediction An integrated Approach using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
open-source packages.
[ building toolkits for developers ]
A SDK built to fetch NFT metadata from world-renowed NFT marketplaces over EVM-compatible blockchains.
 downloads  ·  
mar 2022
A SDK built to fetch price feed data from Chainlink Price Oracles over EVM-compatible and NEAR blockchains.
 downloads  ·  
jan 2022
An abstract python library for calculating time complex math function such as factorial, fibonnaci, and logarithm.
 downloads  ·  
feb 2021
[ where i have worked previously ]
Jay has been a professional in every step of his work and is passionate about his work
Ahmed Al Balaghi
Founder, Biconomy